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The hardest year and doodle drawings.

In December of 2014, I lovingly, kidnapped my mother. I had been begging her to move in with me for years. She was a very stubborn woman. So when she came down with pneumonia, I took full advantage. So instead of her going to the South Pittsburg Hospital, I pack her bags and brought her to my house. She was never well enough to return.

That year was the hardest year I have had to date. I “kidnapped” mom around December 17th, 2014. I got the flu on Christmas Day. High fever, so sick… Mom was also sick with pneumonia and I was scared to death I would give her the flu. I am pretty sure no one in the house thought I was really sick, because when my daughter got it, she asked me, “Mom, did you feel this bad when you where sick? Because this is horrible. I can’t lift up my head.”

This was just the beginning of numerous, what I would call, the curse of “bad luck 2015”. Each of these happenings deserve their own post. So in a nutshell, a lot of stuff happened, mostly medical and having to do with Mom. I had handled everything well. Then in June, the nightmare began.

Mom had somehow convinced me that she was ok. That her mind and body was just find. My daughter wanted to go to Target and she wanted my mom to take her. Even though I had a feeling… I let them talk me into it. About 45 mins later I get a phone call from my daughter, “Mom, something is wrong with Mamma! They called 911! Hurry and get here!” She was crying. Hearing her panicked voice, gave me those mom superpowers to drive like a maniac all the way to Target.

Mom had had a seizure. When I ran into Target, the EMT already had her on a gurney, racing her to the ambulance. She could not talk and she did not recognize me. I told her I loved her and then ran to find Camille and hug her. We found out late that night that Mom had a brain tumor on her frontal lobe. Our long mother daughter journey began.

It was life changing and taking care of mom became very serious. Long Hospital stays, many scared days and nights, doing things I never thought in a million years I would be able to do. Doctors, nurses, therapist, rehab, radiation treatments, feeding tubes, urine, fecal matter, bleach, gloves… shall I go on?

The summer of 2015 could have made me lose my mind, But I instinctively, I knew what to do to keep me calm and tolerant, I started drawing. A few weeks before, I discovered Zen doodling. So the first day I was in the ICU, after an emergency surgery on Mom’s stomach, I started drawing.

These two are the first of many doodles that got me through the rest of “Bad Luck 2015”

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